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Mon - Fri 9.00 AM - 4.00 PM

Testimonials – ITCE
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What our customers have to say

Balanced Testimonials

People I'm going to be honest, not everyone can be please at the same time . These people have to register more than they can take because people will cancel at last minute and they will lose their sponsors . They are a good agency and people must be honest. The thing with them is they have poor customer service, reason being they have to be attending to many persons at a time but none the less if u visit them and follow up on your portal you will reap the benefits.

Shane Savariou ,

I had a great experience with them. they were patient and open to suggestions!

Gentles Stacy-ann ,

I honestly had doubts when I saw some bad reviews but everyone's experience is different. I must commend the agency for providing great service. Once you follow instructions then its smooth sailing.

Je M'appelle Chevelle,