Our Services – ITCE
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Our Services

Go Easy, Go Smart, Go ITCE

ITCE stands tall amongst its competitors, and has established a service like no other. We are the only program that gives back to you for choosing us. We offer a variety of different incentives for choosing our business. So let us join our forces together for the greater good of accomplishing an initiative that will change your life forever.

Visa Processing

We provide processing for all major types of visas (US visas, Canadian visas, British visas, and more). ITCE also provides one on one coaching sessions with prospective visa applicant prior to their interview at the respective embassy

Flight & Travel Arrangement

We help our students with flight/travel arrangement and management. Once you have been registered and approved for a programme, your flight information can be viewed from the ITCE portal.

J1 Internship

An internship is a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training in order to gain the relevant experience, rather than merely employment, and it can be paid or unpaid. Interns may be college, university post-graduate students.

J1 – Summer

A J-1 visa is granted to a student between the ages of 18-33 who is currently pursuing an Associate degree, Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree while attending a university or college on a full-time basis.

go Easy, go Smart, go ITCE!

Work & Travel Options

J1 – Summer Work and Travel

A J-1 visa is granted to a student between the ages of 18-33 who is currently pursuing an Associate degree, Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree while attending a university or college on a full-time basis.

This opportunity was initiated by the US Department of State in the year 1963. This allows the student to travel to the US at the beginning of the summer period to experience what the American culture is like on a first-hand basis. It also gives students the privilege of working to cover their expenses while in the US. A J-1 visa is usually valid for 3-4 months.

A social security number is granted to the J-1 student upon entering the US and submitting an application at a social security office. This number is used to pay taxes. These taxes are deducted from student’s salary. However, the student will then be eligible for a tax return during the US tax period. In order to be given this opportunity the student must be processed by a licensed J-1 program in their home country, such as ‘ITCE’, this student must have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher (it is highly recommended) to be eligible to be processed by the US Embassy.

IF you are currently pursuing a Diploma on a full-time basis from an accredited university or college you are also eligible to participate in the J-1 program.
J1 – Internship

An internship is a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training in order to gain the relevant experience, rather than merely employment, and it can be paid or unpaid. Interns may be college, university post-graduate students. A student can only be an intern in their area of study and must be between the ages 18-35 to participate.

In order to be eligible for the J1 intern program, there are certain documents that must be submitted. These may include but are not limited to; a copy of your degree, passport, passport size pictures, a training plan, transcript, a job offer from the organization seeking to provide the internship, copies of old Ds forms etc.

If the student has not yet completed their degree and seeks to participate as a J1 intern a deferral letter from the institution is also required. A social security number is granted to the J-1 intern upon entering the US and submitting an application at a social security office. This number is used to pay taxes. These taxes are deducted from student’s salary. However, the student will then be eligible for a tax return during the US tax period.

Once a J1 internship visa is granted to a student by the US embassy, the participant will be illegible for any other work visa to the US for the next two years.