1876 631 9852

Mon - Fri 9.00 AM - 4.00 PM

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you?

What are the documents needed for my Embassy Appointment?
  1. A valid Passport (Should not be expiring within 6 months)
  2. Passport size photo, (must not be older than 6 months)
  3. DS160 confirmation page with Barcode
  4. Valid DS 2019 Form
  5. Valid SEVIS Certificate
  6. Valid Insurance Certificate
  7. Official University/ College Transcript displaying GPA
  8. Copy of MRV receipt (embassy fee receipt)
Do I need a transcript for my Embassy Appointment?

Yes… You need an official transcript from your college/university displaying your cumulative GPA, which should be 2.0 or higher. You must also be carrying a minimum of 4 courses per semester which must be equivalent to 12 credits or more.

ONLY official transcripts are accepted!

Can I get a J-1 visa if I’m not doing a bachelor’s degree?

Yes! Once you are reading for an associate degree or higher, you are eligible to participate on the program.

Can I use my social security number to work on my regular tourist visa?

No! You are not eligible to work on your tourist visa. Also you are only eligible to work with your social security card with the issuance of a valid DS2019 permit/form.

Can I pay at the office?

Sorry. But we do not accept payments at the office. All payments must be made to Jamaica National Bank

Bank: JN
Account Name: International Travel & Cultural Exchange
Account #: 11178685